Month in Review — Swim Protocol

Swim Protocol
3 min readMay 2, 2022


Filled with lots of exciting announcements and developments, April was action-packed to say the least. As we continue on our mission to constantly innovate to provide the best user experience possible, our team is focused on staying closely connected to our community, while continuing to grow together.

It’s a great time to be a Swimmer.

Now, let’s dive in and see what we’ve been up to over the past month 👇

Month in Review

04/05 - Solana Miami kicks off where members of the Swim team connected with other protocols in the Solana ecosystem and built connections for potential integrations

04/12 - Swim team releases a community survey to gain a stronger understanding of their users and improve the overall user experience

04/14 - Results from the community survey are analyzed and the Swim team begins implementing suggestions and refining certain objectives

  • See highlights from the survey here

04/17 - Swim announces a partnership with Serum & Burnt Finance for the Serum NFT Ecoystem and gives away 5 whitelist spots for the Serum Surfers to Swim community members

04/21 - Swim introduces the Propeller, which aims to streamline the swapping experience through cross-chain smart contract calls, enabling multi-chain bridging with a single click

  • Read more about the Propeller here

04/25 - 5 weeks after launching Swim reaches over $100 million bridged volume with the community rapidly growing across Swim’s socials

04/26 - The Otter Tot NFT Collection is introduced for the first time which will serve as a revolutionary IDO where all members of the community will have equal footing to participate; offering yield enhancements and other benefits

  • Learn more about the Otter Tot NFT Collection here

04/27 - Swim kicks off the Swim Olympic Games, a set of weekly competitions for the Swim community, and partners with Burnt Finance to host a collaborative art contest

04/28 - Swim joins Wormhole at Crypto Bahamas for a discussion about Swim’s current and future plans to help enable a free and efficient multi-chain ecosystem to thrive

  • See notes from the discussion here

04/29 - The Swim team holds an AMA where members of the community were given the opportunity to connect with the team, discuss the Otter Tot NFT collection, and ask any questions they may have

  • Check out what was covered here

04/29 - CEO, Troy Tsui, joins Austin Federa of Solana, Joe McCann of Asymmetric, Hendrik Hofstadt of Jump Crypto, and Irvin Cardenas of Metaplex to discuss the Solana ecosystem development and multi-chain infrastructure

What’s next?

We are super excited about these next few months with a roadmap including:

  1. Expansions to other chains ~ Avalanche, Polygon, Terra & Near
  2. Swim Propeller ~ enabling single click swaps
  3. Otter Tot NFT Collection ~ in conjunction with our IDO

If one thing is for sure — our team will not stop in our relentless pursuit to offer the best and most efficient bridging experience possible.

Don’t be shy, the waters fine!

Stay connected with the Swim community and up to date on our latest news by following our Twitter and joining our Discord & Telegram.



Swim Protocol

Please visit our new blog at: Swim provides a simple way to transfer tokens across chains via multi-token liquidity pools and Solana's Worm